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Ask the Experts

Cover of  by Joanne Dewberry

Craft catch-up
I?ve just graduated and dream of setting up my own craft business. The online community have been wonderful but I would love to actually meet up with people who may be able to help or are in the same position. What is the best way to go about this? JEANNE ROBINSON, KINGSTON

JOANNE SAYS: Online is always a great
way to arrange offline meetings. Search on Twitter for your local #hour. For example, mine is #DorsetHour 7:30-8:30pm on a Monday night. This is a great way to network with local small businesses and to find out any local networking opportunities. Women in Business, Networking Mummies LTD, the Chamber of Commerce and Etsy often have local groups that are well worth checking out. You could also start your own group by looking at connecting with craft cafe?s and haberdasheries who might be interested in hosting craft networking events.

I?ve read something about having to have a .uk
domain now. Does this mean I have to transfer my address and will it cost me much? Is it something that has to be done soon? LIZZIE CHAPMAN, SURREY

JOANNE SAYS: It?s still early days with the .uk
domain to know whether it?s the new best thing or if it will flop, so don?t rush to get rid of your domain just yet. I know people who purchased a .me. uk domain and then struggled with it not being the norm. However, it?s worth considering buying your business name as .uk if you already own the account so it will be reserved for you. This costs around £12 for two years and you could redirect the .uk domain to your homepage. Your domain supplier and website provider should be able to help with this.

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