Mark Shaw is a Twitter expert and pro. He tweets daily from @markshaw and is the author of popular eBook ?Twitter your business.?
In this post, Mark offers 4 top tips on how to make the most of this free and powerful tool.
1. Be committed ? add a good photo, perhaps a bespoke background, your website URL and an interesting bio. Try and differentiate yourself and make sure the bio contains keywords so others can find you.
2. Be consistent ? show up each day, and tweet, even if time is short. It?s more important to do a small amount each day, than lots one day and then nothing for a week or so.
3. Be interesting ? try and tweet three types of messages: social chit-chat; the sharing of resources, links, tools, info, ideas and opinions; and tweets that answer questions which demonstrate your knowledge. Aim for a good balance.
4. Be interested ? engage with others by answering questions and joining in. Find conversations to enter into via and Retweet (RT) other people?s messages if they are of interest to you and your followers. It?s not about selling things but it is all about building your brand and credibility.
Mark Shaw is a Twitter expert and author of ?Twitter your Business?