If you?ve ever fancied playing the financial markets, then you might be in store for a book that could help you do just that. Since the privatisation revolution in the 1980s, the opportunity for the general population to hold shares in private companies has exploded. With the advent of the internet, as with most business ventures, this opportunity has become stellar.
Robbie Burn?s book ?The Naked Trader? takes the uninitiated share trader through the various ways that shares can be traded on line, with advice on how to make serious money so that you can give up your day job.
Opening with a description of a typical day in the life of a naked trader, the book is logically set out allowing easy understanding of the sections being described. There are chapters on what you need to know ? for instance, do you know what spread betting is, or what shorting means?
Continuing the theme of telling the reader everything, the book looks at strategies and techniques a home trader can follow to maximise the return on their investments, and just as importantly, stop making the mistakes that will detract from your efforts. There is a lot to learn, and there is no substitute for advice from people who has done it before, and there are links to websites, other books, as well as offers to meet the author giving one of his seminars on the subject.
I found this an incredibly easy book to read. There is a lot of information that needs to be understood in order to maximise any monetary gain from naked trading. However, this is a book that will answer most if not all questions a beginner to this business might ask. So, look down the sides of the sofa, and search out those lost fivers and tenners.
This is a book that you need to read if you aspire to a bankers bonus.