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Millionaire Mumpreneurs ? How Successful Mums Made a Million Online and How You Can Do It Too!

Cover of  by Mel McGee

Millionaire Mumpreneurs rocks!

?Supermummy? Mel McGee (author of the excellent ?The Ultimate Mumpreneur?s Guide to Online Business Success?) has done it again!

This ?How I Made a Million Online? exposé from the horses mouth, so to speak, is another riveting read. What?s more it is written in a way that you can learn to do it too! So you?ve no excuse!

Whether you?re a start-up with a clean slate, or have a business that needs revitalising, take a keen peek inside and you?ll find there?s lots of strategic and tactical insight into how these canny women have done it ? created their own success stories, sometimes against all odds, and they are living the lives they love! A big bonus is the practical advice and useful help from the author, online and social networking savvy Mumpreneur Coach and Mentor Mel McGee.

Millionaire Mumpreneurs soon struck a chord with me. Mel dispenses useful help on many issues including dealing with guilt for mums. Having been there (just like Mel) in the early days of my enterprises, with three young children, I can see how important it is to share with you, if this is you, that even so - yes YOU CAN DO IT TOO! The mum stage is a vital enterprise opportunity that we keep on shouting about, which may be one reason why mumpreneurship is growing at such an enormous rate. And, wherever you want to run your business from, working from home has so much going for it. I?ve done the plush offices bit and home-based businesses and know which I prefer! There are not many offices I can think of where you can fit in a bit of ?gardening leave? at lunchtime.

?Having it all? and ?being it all? by ?not doing it all? is Mel?s especially good advice! How very true!! What?s the point of building a booming business to not have a life ? whether that?s family or not? We need to work smarter, not harder, a lesson I?ve certainly learned from the days when, running several enterprises, I once flew in from Germany at 3.00am, went to bed until 5.00am and set off again for an important meeting to clinch a deal at 7.00am! Crazy or what? With the development of the internet and our online world, there?s no reason to punish ourselves this way any more. Last year, thanks to a broken wrist, (serendipity) I successfully took my international Coaching, Mentoring, Vision and Strategic Planning and Business Development processes online and have not looked back. Neither have clients and their enterprises! And here?s Mel with her Millionaire Mumpreneurs showing you how to make the most of a wealth of such opportunities, whatever your business. Truthfully now. Are you making the most of the power and flexibility of your online world?

With the right attitude, Millionaire Mumpreneurs is life-changing stuff. You know what stops women especially succeeding ? fear. Mostly this fear is irrational but women are (thank heavens for it most of the time) emotional beings, so it?s understandable. However, really take note of what you learn in Millionaire Mumpreneurs and no worries (but plenty of planning and ACTION), you?re on your way.

If you look at your business brand or model, whether you?re only in the planning stages or you?ve ventured forth, and think you can?t recreate these very revealing and dooable Millionaire Models, ranging from Karen Knowler, founder of ?Raw Success? to Fabienne Frederickson, ?The Rainmaker? ? think again. I?m telling you ? read the book and not only will you begin to see the possibilities, but Mel will guide you into how to make it happen. Find out how to catapult yourself forward to financial freedom at the same time.

Handy bag-size edition, 173 pages packed with potential (yours), vital section ?What Do You Want, Do You Really, Really Want?? Why vital? Because the most difficult challenge is knowing what you want, your direction, being able to see it, because once you do, as any Coach will tell you, you?re on the way to getting there. The Appendix contains useful resources and weblinks that I encourage you to explore, and I am willing to bet that if you really want to succeed in business and pluck up the courage to contact any of us for help - Mel, the featured Mumpreneurs, me - we?ll be only too happy to respond.

When you come across this review, if you?ve any doubt, do invest in Millionaire Mumpreneurs; ask for it for your birthday; beg (don?t steal) borrow; cajole; ask your library to stock it, but get a copy somehow. Go visit for more and for the chance to WIN a copy of Millionaire Mumpreneurs before 31st May 2010.

Mel is donating 10% of royalties from this book to charities supporting mothers and children.

Highly Recommended.

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