"Reading suspense novels set on Wall Street used to drive Joe Kolman crazy. He would start, then find himself annoyed when plots took an unrealistic turn. There was one great thing about reading bad thrillers. He was led, perhaps inevitably, to a realization. "I thought," he said, "I could do a better job than this." That's what Kolman, 52, is out to do with 'Naked Option' (Harriman House, $25). Published by a United Kingdom-based firm eager to back his second novel, a forthcoming sequel, the book is dubbed an "erotic thriller" because it mixes its financial setting with a sexy subplot. Kolman wrote 'Naked Option over the course of about a decade, while also working full-time. He wants to finish the sequel to 'Naked Option', which has been well received by editors. And he is enjoying the reaction from financial whizzes who have told him that the new book is on target and - most importantly - hard to put down."