Contents Listing
About the Author
1. I didn't wear a seat belt
2. We are hedgehogs
3. A hedgehog that believes in being a fox
4. The first thing I'd do
5. Differentiate, or die trying
6. Serial killer
7. “Only a desperate, insecure idiot would buy a Vespa these days.” (I own two)
8. I'm breaking up with Tesco
9. Loyal. Just not faithful
10. I'm just not going to buy six large coffees a day
11. Good enough
12. Firstly, Paul, that's not even legal
13. When we needed less efficiency
14. Thieves
15. The surest way to lose your budget
16. Brand marketers have a brand problem
17. So brand campaigns sell. Who knew, eh?
18. We need to eat today
19. A rather unfortunate truth
20. What we carry in our heads
21. What is brand salience, anyway?
22. Not just the pipes
23. My narrative fallacy
24. Perhaps we do buy from clowns
25. Spectacularly untargeted
26. I wish my son had cancer
27. Swing for the fences occasionally
28. There was fear in the room
29. So we made a TV ad in Japanese, for Ireland
30. We need to talk about monkeys
31. Paul, you know that's not a test, right?
32. Must we grab their attention?
33. Sciency marketing
34. Teenagers don't talk on the phone. They text. Right?
35. My hunch was wrong. Damn
36. No wins this quarter. Again
37. Bake failure into the process
38. All generalisations are false. Including this one
39. The first draft of anything is shit
40. Seek out people who don't like your work
41. They are not rules
42. The memory-making business
43. I've killed a hell of a lot of people to get to this point
About the Author
1. I didn't wear a seat belt
2. We are hedgehogs
3. A hedgehog that believes in being a fox
4. The first thing I'd do
5. Differentiate, or die trying
6. Serial killer
7. “Only a desperate, insecure idiot would buy a Vespa these days.” (I own two)
8. I'm breaking up with Tesco
9. Loyal. Just not faithful
10. I'm just not going to buy six large coffees a day ...