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The MEJT System

A New Tool for Day Trading the S&P 500 Index

By Jeffrey Tennant
Cover of The MEJT System (Ebook - phone) by Jeffrey Tennant Cover of The MEJT System (Ebook - tablet) by Jeffrey Tennant

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About the Author

Jeffrey Tennant

Jeffrey S. Tennant, MD is an individual investor. For over eight years he has been giving daily online analysis (most recently at of the Standard and Poors 500 Index. He has relied heavily on the MEJT System to make his predictions, and he wrote this book because of the large number of requests he received from traders who wished to learn his methodology.

The author ... Read more on Jeffrey Tennant

Contents Listing


Part 1: Introduction

1. The MEJT System: Background, Definitions and General Principles
The uses of the MEJT system
Basic principles of the MEJT system
Using TradeStation to identify the bars of the am sequence and MEJT sequence
Naming of the MEJT system

Part 2: Morning Signals

2. Trading the Am MEJT Sequence
Defining the am sequence
Rules of the am sequence
Sustainable trends - the am+2 bar
Unsustainable trends
Examples of trend indication in the am sequence

3. The Am+3 Buy Signal
Rules for the am+3 buy signal
Examples of the am+3 bar buy signal

Part 3: Afternoon Signals

4. Trading the MEJT Sequence
Defining the pm sequence
Basic principle behind the MEJT prediction
Rules for trading the MEJT sequence
Examples of trend indication in the pm sequence

5. The MEJT+3 or MEJT+4 Buy or Sell Signal
Examples of the MEJT+3 and MEJT+4 buy or sell signal

Part 4: Additional Information From MEJT

6. The Ultimate Signal - A Very Reliable Indicator
Examples of the ultimate signal

7. Targets - Required and Optional
Different types of targets
Examples of setting targets

8. Support - Overt and Covert

Part 5: The MEJT System In Practice

9. Putting the System to the Test
Trading examples


Part 1: Introduction

1. The MEJT System: Background, Definitions and General Principles
The uses of the MEJT system
Basic principles of the MEJT system
Using TradeStation to identify the bars of the am sequence and MEJT sequence
Naming of the MEJT system

Part 2: Morning Signals

2. Trading the Am MEJT Sequence
Defining the am sequence
Rules of the am sequence ...

Jacket Text

A new technical analysis tool for S&P 500 day traders

The MEJT system is a brand new and exclusive tool for use alongside other technical analysis techniques in day trading the Standard and Poor's 500 Index. It is based on the principle that price action at certain times of the day can allow traders to make predictions regarding future support and resistance levels. The system also defines, well in advance, which trends might have staying power and which ones should retrace.

Here, in the first book on this new trading tool, the rules of the MEJT system are explained and carefully illustrated with real price charts. Readers are encouraged to analyse price chart examples for themselves, before reading the author's analysis of the trading situation. The final chapter of the book follows three weeks of consecutive trading days on the S&P 500, examining, for each, what the MEJT tool suggested for the day and how reliable the prediction was.

The ideas in this book will appeal to experienced day traders who are already familiar with technical analysis of the stock market and who are interested in learning about - and putting into practice - a new, profitable trading technique.

If you use technical analysis to trade the markets, this book will give you information you can, and will, use every day.

The author posts a daily video of MEJT System analysis on his YouTube channel:

Other books by this author

Media Coverage

Leavitt Brothers

This video is a book review of The MEJT System, A New Tool For Day Trading The S&P 500 Index, by Jeffrey Tennant.
The MEJT System is less of a system and more of an indicator which divides a day into ...

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Traders Day Trading

The Jeffrey Tennant Interview - Author of The MEJT System: A New Tool for Day Trading the S&P 500 Index talks to Kenny of about his new book and tells us a bit more about ...

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Trading Diary

Jeffrey Tennant, investor and author of the new book ?The MEJT System: A New Tool for Day Trading the S&P 500 Index? talks to about trading and creating the MEJT system.

1. ...

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The MEJT System - Jeffrey Tennant- Traders Day Trading 19th July 2011

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Jeffrey Tennant ?MEJT system? interview- Trading Diary 14th February 2011

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This book is not another compilation of indicators you already know; none of the tools herein has been published in book form before. MEJT is a different system based on the principle that price ...

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